We waited for mom to get home so Elly could say goodnight, and I packed while they ate. Within an hour of leaving the house, we had the tent set up, and the gear we were going to need laid out. We even had time to brew up a cup of hot chocolate! Walking through the woods to the "potty" was a little bit scary, but Elly was was quite brave.
Wrap yourself in a mummy bag, and go crowd surfing... that's kind of what's it's like to be in a two-man tent with a three-year-old. Boot to the head! Headbutt! Straight-arm, etc... After most of a book, she finally settled down and went to sleep, but woke up cold a couple of times because she kept crawling out of her bag. Still, she woke up her normal happy self, raring to go outside.
We made a freezedried breakfast with bananas, and hot chocolate for her and much needed coffee for me. She took some pictures, and is actually able to use our point-n-shoot pretty good. We went for a short hike/stick and pine cone gathering excursion, and found the playground (swings) and ampitheatre (balance beams). We got packed up and gone just as the short night was catching up to her. Quite a success I think.
Hot chocolate and graham crackers
Elly took this as I was explaining a compass to her...
...and trying to figure it out on her own
I just thought this was funny...
Sounds hugely successful! Elly's hair is so long and beautiful!