This was taken at the Easter egg hunt put on by Tina's employer. It was most definitely NOT Spring-like weather (note the coat, gloves and rosy cheeks). She was initially pre-occupied with the two Easter Bunnies, in other words fear, mistrust, dislike. And I can't really blame her; a 6 foot bunny is NOT a natural thing. But she bucked up and jumped in, claiming her share of eggs. Then we wasted no time getting into the warmth of the car.
Later, we colored a few eggs at home. And a few clothes. And a few hands...
A quick Internet search came up with several methods for removing dye from hands. The dish washing detergent option worked super!
We finished out the day with a visit from cousin Aidan (and belated B-day mini-celebration). They had an egg hunt at home, in between weather squalls, and didn't seem to mind a bit.