Thanksgiving came and went. We had friends from out of state here and then we started getting family... Our house isn't all that big, and the square footage per person in the common areas rapidly shrunk. All is well that ends well, though, and I think everyone had a good, or at least tolerable time, despite having no T.V.
Then came Christmas. Our tree was one of our best ever, and all the better because Elly was able to really help pick it, load it, set it up and decorate it this year. We had lots of fun with her this season. We celebrated Xmas day with Grandma, then a couple days later with our good friends from Portland. On that day, the weatherman goofed in a BIG way, and we got an unexpeccted snow all through the region, which those of us old enough to drive in didn't much like, but the girls loved.

Then for New Year's, a trip to the beach (thanks grandma).

For those not accustomed to our latitude, this is what beachwear in the NW looks like!!!

When we got home, I got to spend several relaxing days with Elly due to my work schedule, and then I promptly went back to work for six long days. Ah... as Elly says, "I like vacation".
Me too, kiddo!
Today, we got to just hang out before the workweek starts over again. Breakfast out, a little bike riding for Elly thanks to a break in the rain, lots of play time, and two highlights. Looking at old family pictures of grandma, and mommy when she was just a baby, and cooking my grandma's custard recipe in some of her old cups that I have.
Fun and as yummy as I remember! Now I just need to find 3 more Anchor Hocking Fire-King milk glass 6-ounce custard cups, (like the two plain ones in the center), so that I have a full set of them. I think I'll be making this again.