So... It started with a suggestion... now it's become more like a quest. One of my co-workers suggested we try to do two hikes per month this summer/fall season for a kind of "summit series". Sounds good, right? Getting everyone to each of the hikes might be difficult with schedules being what they are, but we're going to try.
Hike #1 was Dog Mountain in the Columbia River Gorge. As is typical this time of year, the weather was cloudy and gray, but not rainy. As much as I like the few months of sun we get here, I've also grown to like this misty, mysterious shroud of clouds. At times it hides all traces of civilization, and i't easy to imagine yourself much more remote and isolated than you actually are. And then it clears, for a few seconds, maybe a few minutes, and then disappears again. Love that.

Think the wind blows here?

Ego busted. This "young" lady (60's) has hiked this 12 times this year alone... we couldn't catch her.